Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Taking a Trip?

Whether for a parade, to compete, or just for fun, band trips are pretty memorable.
The bus rides alone are sure to be interesting.
  • What trip memories from this year or previous years would you like to share?
  • Where did you travel to with your band?
  • What parades did you march in?
  • If you were in a parade, were you in front of the horses or sadly, behind?

As the directors choosing the trips, we want to hear your recommendations.

  • Was there a trip that you'd recommend to other directors?
  • What about sharing a tip that works for your band that other bands may utilize.
  • Organization is key when traveling with all those kids, luggage and instruments.
  • What do you do to stay on top of the chaos?


Anonymous said...

I marched in the 1998 Rose Bowl Parade and the Fiesta Bowl in 2000. They were both great trips and our band even made the front page of our local paper when we went to the Rose Bowl. Very exciting and fun!

Anonymous said...

Attending Northern Michigan University made nearly every trip a major trip, but a bus ride with the band to Chicago took the cake! It was the first "real" weekend of school and I was a newbee...a freshman. Not sure I wanted to leave the dorm, which had become a place of security for me in the single week of band camp, I found a seat next to someone who looked friendly and rode...and rode...and rode...Oh my, I wondered if we would ever arrive at the Chicago Bears Stadium. The game was a thriller and it was awesome to instantly be part of a group of wild and crazy musicians! The trip home? The journey seemed to fly by as my instant friends and I talked and talked...What a great way to meet people and "belong"...simply by doing something you love!

Anonymous said...

My senior year of High School we took a trip to Disney World as a band. It was the most amazing experience. We marched before one of the evening parades. We came out of the gate where we were waiting for the parade to start and BOOM there were what seemed like a MILLION faces looking at us. It finally sunk in that we were doing something remarkable when we turned the corner and saw the Castle glowing infront of us and a MILLION more people anxiously waiting for us to march past. They may not have been there to see us specifically, but it sure felt that way. Most certainly something i will never forget!